Development Framework Document and Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
The Local Plan requires the preparation of a comprehensive Masterplan for the site which will take the form of a Development Framework Document (DFD) and an Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP). These documents, now approved by Chelmsford City Council, together with the Local Plan, will guide future planning applications.
Following a series of stakeholder workshops and meetings through 2021, Stage 1 community engagement activities including an online Public Exhibition, were held from 11-22 November 2021 to present the design proposals for the Garden Community and seek comments on the emerging masterplan proposals. The comments received were fed into the development of the proposals and the drawing up of the DFD and IDP.
The consultation draft DFD and IDP which include an Illustrative Masterplan and supporting information were submitted to Chelmsford City Council in May 2022 and were approved in January 2023.
As part of Stage 2 community engagement activities, Chelmsford City Council consulted on the DFD and IDP for Chelmsford Garden Community (CGC) from 24 May to 21 June 2022. At the end of Stage 2, the feedback was reviewed by Chelmsford City Council and the Masterplan was further evolved. The final version of the Masterplan is now being considered by the Council for adoption as part of the Local Plan policy, against which future planning applications will need to be assessed.
Planning applications for CGC are now being brought forward by Ptarmigan Land for Zone 1, Countryside L&Q for Zone 2 and Halley Developments for Zone 3 and Northern Radial Distributor Road (NRDR). The planning applications will accord with the DFD which sets out the Vision and Framework for the Garden Community.
Published documents relating to the DFD are available to view in the Library Page